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Hominy Area Insight

  • 当我把车开进霍米尼,驶向巴克餐厅时 & Treats for some coffee and laptop work, this little beauty above caught my eye.

    I loved the way the American flag popped off the paint colors on this home. 我经过了,但又不得不转身.

    从布里克街看到的景色是值得称赞的. Many small towns have streets of brick peeking through asphalt patches or in stretches along a side street. There they are - holding up under the pressure and standing the test of time...

    Can you imagine the labor involved in laying these pathways that could tell of horse and buggy days along with Model T traffic? Here they are - still strong as "Blackie" (my little car) and I took a spin down them in Hominy today.

    These bricks have been neighbors to homes of shiplap and stone foundations for most of a century, 如果不是更多的话. It reminds me of an old Merle Haggard song about a Ford and a Chevy lasting ten years, 就像他们应该做的那样." I would say the shiplap and brick would hold to the same sentiments Merle sang about. 对于一份做得很好的工作来说,这是值得表扬的. 这是对它的建设者和劳动者的见证. Nail by nail, brick by brick - something good was going on in Hominy back in the day...


    普莱斯大街上的弗雷德里克·德拉蒙德历史住宅. 可供旅游人士使用. 但, one thing is for sure - those builders and bricklayers of yesteryear left a legacy that still stands today and speaks, 不是从废墟中,而是从卓越中.

    When you're out scouting 奥色治郡 - I want to invite you to "take to the Brick Streets" in our communities where you'll be encouraged that America is alive and well in 俄克拉何马州 where patriotism lives on. 在这里,美国的小镇依然屹立不倒... built on a foundation of values that haven't crumbled under the weight or the winds.

    你会发现一种充满邻居的美好生活方式, 坐在前廊, 喝甜茶, 政治讨论, 草坪割草, 花卉种植, and wholesome goodness smiling amongst a great big bunch of rurality right here in 奥色治郡, 俄克拉何马州——在布里克街.
  • 问当地专家一个关于霍米尼的问题.
    如果让我来形容查图利斯, 我想到的第一个词是, “每个手指上都戴着戒指,还有一颗像德克萨斯一样大的心。." You'll recognize him when you see him as he stands head and shoulders above most men. He's an icon and a treasure with a heart for both 奥色治郡 and his community of Hominy that touches mine. 像这样的男人很少见.

    Hominy是一个有自己独特性的社区. High atop a hill overlooking the town, 20' tall metal Indian sculptures silhouette the western sky. One day I went exploring (with the owner's permission - sorta) and climbed up to the top of that very hill. 景色很美,但我对那些雕塑的大小感到惊讶! New Territory is their name, and they have one of the best views in 俄克拉何马州 from their perch. New Territory sets Hominy apart, thanks to the vision and creativity of Cha' Tullis.

    在整个市中心地区,许多建筑物都有褪色的壁画. 那些太, tell the story of a man with a generous heart who willingly poured it out through every calculated stroke of a paintbrush many years ago. 那个人就是查·图利斯.

    If you hear Native American music downtown when you open your car door, follow it. It will lead you to the door of the Cha' Tullis Gallery where Cha' and his wife, 蒂娜, 花时间制作珠宝和交朋友. 从兽皮到油画艺术, 披风到草帽, and one-of-a-kind turquoise jewelry creations - you'll always find something new every time you visit - and I definitely recommend that you visit!

    每个社区都有这样的人——那些出类拔萃的人, 他们尽了最大的努力, 谁相信自己的同胞, 让他们的家乡变得更美好. 我称他们为订婚的人. 不像他们的左手上戴着戒指——但在金庸的情况下——是的, 比如左手上戴着戒指, 在每个手指上,哈哈

    这些是珍珠. The ones who have withstood the pressure to quit, give up, or throw in the towel. These are the ones who have stood the test of time - who now are tempered and unbreakable and who jingle like a handmade spur rowel on a wooden front porch. The engaged don't complain about the problems, they bring solutions to the table. 他们是打破常规的思考者, 创新企业家, 克服追梦者, 还有那些不会传播传染性的小镇粪便的人. 它押韵-但仍然,只是说.

    These are the very things legends are made of - and Cha' Tullis is a hero and a legend in 奥色治郡 - not just because I say so, but because he was recognized as such by the 奥色治郡 Historical Society as well, in 2019. 然而, Cha' would never tell you these things when you're visiting with him over a jewelry showcase in downtown Hominy. He'd be more interested in talking to you about your life and your accomplishments and making you feel appreciated and important. 但我想这就是他那种性格和才干的人的行为方式.

    I'd encourage you to drive over to Hominy to the Cha' Tullis Gallery (ChaTullisGallery.com). 最近, Cha' sat down with The Tourism Gal and recorded an episode of the Osagin' It podcast you can download on Spotify, 谷歌玩, 亚马逊, 潘多拉, iHeart, iTunes, and more - where he talks about how he got started in the art business as well as his heart for Hominy, 奥色治郡, 俄克拉何马州.

    Until next time, y'all come see us in the place where the smiles are always in 奥色治郡 俄克拉何马州. 我们会为你开着灯.


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